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Ask Sassy! Quilting Questions…

Ask Sassy!

Today’s quilty question:

What do I try if my thread keeps breaking???

Well, first things first… Completely re-thread your machine and bobbin.

white singer sewing machine

Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Pexels.com

If that doesn’t do the trick… Let’s look at your thread and needle!

When quilting we are generally using a 40 or 50wt cotton thread. If using a special type of thread, you may need a special needle. Otherwise, a universal needle should be fine.

Secondly…. When did you last change your needle??? This is one of the biggest things we as quilters forget to do! Every 4 to 8 hrs of sewing needs a new needle. They cost cents… so just change it for every new project. When machine quilting a quilt I always start with a fresh needle.



What else do we always forget to do???

Clean our machines. So if you’re still having trouble… give your machine a quick de-fuzzing!

These are just a few quick things to try! Hope these tips helps you guys.



Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Sassy Tip 108


Spray Starch

I learned this tip several years ago at a QuiltCon lecture…

When using spray starch… Spray starch on backside of what you are pressing.

When starching your fabric it should feel slightly damp after you spray it. If you spray on the front side and then press, most of the spray gets on your iron. Spraying on the back just keeps most of the starch in the fabric.

Image result for spray starch best press

Now…. whether to starch or not to starch…. that’s a discussion for another day!




Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!





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Ask Sassy! Asking Sassy quilting questions…

Ask Sassy!

Hey guys! Do you have lots of quilty questions you are dying to know the answers to? But…. are afraid to ask? or don’t know who to ask! Feel free to ask Sassy(me,lol) anything you want to know and if I don’t know, then I will do the research to find out!

Leave your question in the comments or email me if you prefer to be anonymous:)

This weeks Quilting Question….

Question Mark Clipart google 11 - 5910 X 3272

Why when I’m piecing my blocks why does it never line up right? Everything seems off a little.

This is a great question! There are lots of reasons why things get a little off when doing our piecing. Here are 3 of the big ones:

Image result for scissor clip artImage result for sewing clip art  Image result for iron clip art

Cutting– you really do have to take your time and make sure you are cutting accurately

Seams– The infamous 1/4″ seam, Really practice getting this right, do some test pieces on your machine because each one is a little different. You can also buy a 1/4″ foot for your machine that helps a bunch. Check those out HERE. WHY??? If each seam is 1/8″ off… by the time you finish a row you can be a couple inches off! They add up quick.

Pressing– pressing correctly and not stretching your blocks out helps a lot too.


We all want to be perfect quilters, but their actually is no such thing! The truth is it takes some time and efforts to be a great quilter. I’ve been quilting for 12 years and to this day I still get things “off a little”. It is said that the Amish leave at least one mistake in their quilts to prove that only God is perfect. That makes me chuckle because if I only had one mistake left it would be pretty awesome! Some mistakes I see and choose to fix if I can and some I don’t even see till I’m done, lol…..

But did you have fun????


I base my quilting on a precision to fun ratio! If my attempts at precision are bringing my fun level down too low …. its no bueno! For me, I need to be enjoying what I’m doing and if I’m stressing myself out, then I have lost my enjoyment. Now don’t get me wrong… there are lots of quilters out there that are obsessed with precision and it IS their kind of fun, so let them go get it:) There is no need to compare ourselves, in life or in quilting. So just have fun and what you don’t get right in this quilt, you can try harder in the next one!

So just pick one thing at a time to focus on upping your precision.

And remember, Keep your fun ratio in check!!!

Happy Quilting Sassites!


Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Sassy Tip-106

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Sassy tip #106:

Trimming Half Square Triangles!

I recently was at a quilt retreat and shared these tips that I use to make speedy work of trimming half square triangles…

This ruler right here is a life saver!

Related image

•With this ruler you are trimming two sides of the triangle at one time!

You just line up your stitched line with the size HST you are looking for and zip zip.

•Now the next step is how to get those dog ears off of there!

I use a cut diamond as my mental reference…

Related image

You want to cut the corners of your HST in like the top of a diamond looks. Once again… trimming half square triangles before opening and pressing is doing two sides at once!


You can free hand this with your rotary cutter…. just don’t cut your stitches!

Happy Quilting my fellow Sassies!

Online Quilting ClassJoin Craftsy’s Block of the Month

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy♥


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Sassy Tip of the Week-105

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Sassy tip #105:

To get nice flat quilt blocks…

Place a heavy book or two on your block after pressing. The weight of the book will keep the seams extra flat as it cools. I even set them on a whole stack that I have pressed!

Please don’t judge my nasty ironing board! A whole lot of pressing happened there:)

Online Quilting ClassJoin Craftsy’s Block of the Month

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy♥


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Creative Ways to Store Your Sewing Materials

Hello quilt peoples!

Its been a while since I’ve checked in…. but I promise I am still out here quilting! I recently got back from Glamp Stitchalot…so fun!!! Also working on a few new projects I hope to share with you guys soon. In the meantime to see some recent pics and updates follow me here>>>>

on Facebook or Instagram

Today I have a fun article by guest writer Erin Vaughn from Modernize for you.

We all are desperate for new ways to store things and create more space to work in, right? She has some great tips… so check it out!

Creative Ways to Store Your Sewing Materials
by Erin Vaughan

As a sewer, you want your craft room to be a place that inspires you. But how can you concentrate on your latest project when ribbons are unraveling and you can’t find a bobbin anywhere? Obviously there are lots of storage solutions—but like your sewing, you want it to be something that expresses your passion for all things handmade.

We at Modernize believe that function and quirkiness can be in perfect harmony. That’s why we scoured the Internet for these novel solutions to your sewing needs.


via Modernize

Keep Loose Buttons and Notions in Muffin Tins

Any seasoned sewer knows that it’s a rule that buttons will never be where you need them. Keep these and other unruly notions in check by placing them in an unused muffin tin, whose little cups are basically made to hold them. As a bonus, you can use a vintage tin to give them a truly adorable home.

Image 1

Via Modern Hepburn

Customize a Pegboard

Pegboards have great utilitarian potential, but they’re so drab. With a little paint, however, you can set up a seamstress’s paradise—one that’s also easy on the eyes. We love this standout specimen, which feature handy shelves and bright, fabulous colors.

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Via Pinterest

Display Colored Threads in a Shadow Box

Every sewer gets a tiny, secret charge from looking at the thread displays in the fabric store. All the bright, beautiful colors! All the potential projects! You can experience that thrill every day by displaying your threads in a recycled shadowbox—and it’ll make it a cinch to grab the perfect color for your next pattern.

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Via Pinterest

Fold Fabric Around Hanging Files in Filing Cabinet

Neat stacks of fabric look great—until you actually try to use them. Then they are disheveled in five seconds flat. And I know I don’t want to spend my life folding and stacking, folding and stacking. That’s time that could be spending sewing! We love the idea of folding fabric around hanging folders, then fitting them into upcycled filing cabinets.

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Via Pinterest

Place Supplies in a Toolbox for On-the-Go Sewing

Toolboxes come with enough little nooks and crannies to satisfy even the most fastidious sewer, plus they’re great for travel, so you can bring your hobby with you on work trips or vacations without misplacing anything.

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Via Decorating Files

Place Patterns and Rulers in a Three-Ring Binders

Remember those three ring binders from grade school? They can do more than just hide your math homework. Use plastic sheeting to store sewing patterns and rules, which makes browsing through them quick and easy.

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Via Shanae Ishida

Spool Ribbon on Hangers or Drying Racks

Ribbon can be such a pain to keep neat, and goodness help you if you have eager kitties who love to attack it! Hangers or drying racks with removable dowels are here to the rescue, however. Just line your lace and ribbon spools up on the dowels, put them back on, and watch how easy it is to cut your lengths and get going.

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Via Pinterest

Make Your Own Custom Pincushion

No more tired tomatoes for you. The Internet is bursting with tutorials for adorable DIY pincushions—you can stick your pins in everything from mountains to elephants and everything in between. We love these cute pincushion caddies that include a handy place to store your scissors.

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Via Texas Freckles

As you can see, there are plenty of nifty ways to stow your sewing stash. Soon, you’ll be on your way and ready to take on even the most intimidating quilt pattern.

Thanks guys for taking a look….hope you find this helpful!


Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Quilting tips- Setting Seams


What does “setting my seams” mean?

This term refers to pressing the seams of your patchwork after you sew two pieces together.  You “set the seams” before you press open your patchwork .


Take a look at this HST….I have sewn my two pieces together and I now need to press open my patchwork.

(The angled corners are where I trim off my dog ears before hand.)


Take your iron and gently press over the 1/4″ seam area only, no steam needed! This is going to press the seam flat and also imbed the thread into the fibers of your fabric.


Why do we bother setting seams?

Well, now when you press open your patchwork there will be less distortion and your work will be just a little more precise:)

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t do this my seam line gets just a little wonky and when my block has a lot of piecing all that wonkiness really adds up!


What a cute little HST!

What if you don’t wanna set your seams??? Good news is this is just one of those quilty things you just have to try and see if you like it or not….and if you don’t….dump that technique and keep moving:)  At least now you will know what it means when you hear the term though.

Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Sassy Tip of The Week-104

Rule #1: do not bleed on the quilt!

So what do you do when you’re a rule breaker?

When removing blood stains use your own saliva….i know, i know! It is a little gross, but the enzymes in your saliva can best break down your own blood.

If that is out of the question..try dabbing hydrogen peroxide. You can use a q-tip for either method.

Want to know the other rules?

#2: Measure twice, cut once.

#3: It’s not a mistake…it’s a creative opportunity:)

#4: There are NO Quilt Police.

#5: Rules? There are Rules?

 On the quilting front…

This week I am finishing up a pair of twin quilts and just need to get some pics! Coordinating teal and orange backings with some striped binding.


Striped Binding

Just love a stripe on the binding:) You?

Also finished up this months blocks for the Craftsy 2012 Block of the Month that my guild is doing.

String Block

String Block

This months theme is string blocks, loved these! Two different techniques were used. Great for scraps.

Broken Spider Web

Broken Spider Web

You can take this free Craftsy Class by clicking the link or pic below! The class includes free video lessons of each months block and you can watch them over and over if you like!

Online Quilting ClassJoin Craftsy’s Block of the Month

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy


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Winner- Millstone Giveaway and a QuiltingTip!

Our final winner of the Millstone Mondays giveaways is…

Cynthia Knapp!

She will be getting a charm pack and Aurifil 10-piece, thread set.


A big thanks to Millstone Quilts for sharing all the quilting goodies! and Aurifil for the thread love! Expect more giveaways here in 2014.

And before you go…a Sassy  Quilting Tip for you today:



For more accurate piecing, use a 1/4″ piecing foot! A lot of machines do not come with this foot and they are pretty inexpensive to add to your quilty tool box. Some have a metal “wall” on one side to keep you from going too far to the right and some just have the accurate 1/4″ width foot. Generic ones are available. You do need to know if your machine has a low shank, high shank or a slant shank. This is the bar where your feet attach. Your manual should let you know which one you have.

More accurate piecing makes your sewing much more enjoyable. Just remember if you are off by only 1/8 of an inch that adds up to an entire 1/2″ (4/8) off every four seams!!!

Here are a couple different links where you can purchase one.

Quarter Inch foot with bar.

Quarter inch foot without bar.

Just a side note, but if you are a magazine junkie like me….this is my latest find and it is one of my new favorites, Love Patchwork & Quilting! It isn’t super cheap, mainly because it comes from the UK, but has such a modern and fun take on quilting and the latest fabrics:) Each magazine comes with a small gift too. My first one had a set of heart shaped pins, that made it feel totally worth it!


patchwork pins

Later this week I will begin my beginner quilting series…So You Wanna Make A Quilt!


Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter here on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, or by email(form on right sidebar)!

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Quilting tips – fixing mistakes

Quilting tips…

If one of your pieces is cut slightly bigger, sew with that piece on the bottom. The feed dogs scrunch the fabric slightly and helps use that little bit of extra fabric.

A little phrase I say to myself is “baggy bottoms”, that way I remember the baggy or piece that is too big goes on the bottom….yes , I have lots of these weird quilting thoughts:)

https://i0.wp.com/cache0.bdcdn.net/assets/images/book/medium/9781/8694/9781869485269.jpg http://themastercopy.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/baggy-jeans.jpg?w=290&h=290&crop=1&resize=223%2C223

In the quilting world…baggy bottoms are not best, but we will make the best out of them!

Check out other Sassy Quilting Tips here.

Keep it Sassy

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