Ask Sassy! Quilting Questions…

Ask Sassy!

Today’s quilty question:

What do I try if my thread keeps breaking???

Well, first things first… Completely re-thread your machine and bobbin.

white singer sewing machine

Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on

If that doesn’t do the trick… Let’s look at your thread and needle!

When quilting we are generally using a 40 or 50wt cotton thread. If using a special type of thread, you may need a special needle. Otherwise, a universal needle should be fine.

Secondly…. When did you last change your needle??? This is one of the biggest things we as quilters forget to do! Every 4 to 8 hrs of sewing needs a new needle. They cost cents… so just change it for every new project. When machine quilting a quilt I always start with a fresh needle.


What else do we always forget to do???

Clean our machines. So if you’re still having trouble… give your machine a quick de-fuzzing!

These are just a few quick things to try! Hope these tips helps you guys.

Keep it Sassy♥

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