Ask Sassy!
Today’s quilty question:
What do I try if my thread keeps breaking???
Well, first things first… Completely re-thread your machine and bobbin.
If that doesn’t do the trick… Let’s look at your thread and needle!
When quilting we are generally using a 40 or 50wt cotton thread. If using a special type of thread, you may need a special needle. Otherwise, a universal needle should be fine.
Secondly…. When did you last change your needle??? This is one of the biggest things we as quilters forget to do! Every 4 to 8 hrs of sewing needs a new needle. They cost cents… so just change it for every new project. When machine quilting a quilt I always start with a fresh needle.
What else do we always forget to do???
Clean our machines. So if you’re still having trouble… give your machine a quick de-fuzzing!
These are just a few quick things to try! Hope these tips helps you guys.
Keep it Sassy♥
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