Quilting Supplies at Craftsy.com

What’s going on…

Stamped Thank You_lo

First of all let me say Thank You so much to everyone who helped me out and voted for my quilt over at 13 Spools in the Prism linky contest!!!

I won, yay! So excited. I really do love that quilt. I guess it was my first all solids quilt and my first paper pieced quilt, so it was a big milestone for me. I received a 75.00 gift certificate to FatQuarter Shop….hmmm. What to get??? I was just perusing and am liking these:

  http://www.fatquartershop.com/store/stores_app/images/images_499/LittleThings-Bundle-450.jpgStephanie Alvarez's Blogger's Choice Fat Quarter Bundle

What do you think?

Got any awesome quilt plans for the weekend?

Well, I am going home tonight to work on a fall/pumpkin-y table runner for a silent auction…and by work on I mean start:) In all fairness I have made a pile of orange fabrics! I have a few ideas and I am hoping they come out as planned…trying to make my pumpkins sassy!

I also got my FQ bundle of Acacia from I don’t do dishes! Ah, so lovely…but I must wait. I need to finish quilting my chevron first! Here are some pics.


Isn’t that raccoon adorable!


Love the more geometric prints.


Is this raccoon making you feel uncomfortable???


And believe it or not I just realized with my bonus points on my credit card I can spend them for double the amount if I shop on Amazon! No problem. I snagged this Basics set of Aurifil thread. I won a spool in a contest a while back and really loved it, so I am a new convert and need to bulk up my thread stash:)


These spools are not cheap but I have to say they last a long time, a lot more on there!

Oh, and before I go…here is a new fabric shop I came across over on Happy Quilting’s blog:

10% off with the code: GOBLISS. Give ’em a try! The prices look very reasonable:)

Feel free to visit on FB here, and give them a like!

Keep it Sassy


  Grab button for I Quilt @ Pretty Bobbins

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Prism Reveal


~Prism Revealed~

Tada! Prism is all finished up and photographed. I titled this one Poseidon’s Prism…okay I am not that original, I used a Poseidon FQ Bundle by Robert Kaufman and the pattern name is Prism:) I did this quilt as part of a quilt along over at 13 Spools. The pattern is by Faith@FreshLemonQuilts. It is paper pieced and was super fun and easy to do.

I went with the twin size, so it is 70 x 85. I haven’t made one this big in a while so I had to get my quilt arms back in shape. It’s amazing how much heavier the big ones are when you are pushing and pulling them through your machine. I quilted this one on my domestic machine. All straight lines so I used an even-feed foot(walking foot). I quilted it SITD(stitch-in-the-ditch) style. I think it would look fabulous with a lot of fancy quilting in these prisms, but I was a little crunched for time and to be honest I like that it feels nice and soft.

I had some fun playing around with the photos so here they are:





Since this quilt is for an entry in my State Fair I had to make a hanging sleeve so they can display it. Here is a little tutorial to show you how I did it:)

~How to make a Hanging Sleeve~


Measure across the top of your quilt, minus two inches. Now cut a strip of fabric that width by 14″ long. This is for a sleeve that will finish 6″(required length for this Fair). You can adjust the length to accommodate your own needs. For example, a smaller wall hanging may only have a thin rod to hang on so a 3″ sleeve would be fine. Take your finished size and double it, then add 2″ and you got it.


On the short ends of the strip (14″ends), Press approximately a 1/4″ fold toward the wrong side of fabric.


Do it one more time to get a finished edge on the inside. This also makes sewing a straight line easier.


Sew along the inner edge.


With the wrong side up, fold the strip in half and press.


See the crease running along the center here.


With the crease as your guide, fold the lower and upper halves to meet in the middle along the crease. Now, press/steam these outer edges firmly to leave another set of creases.


Fold the sleeve right sides together and sew your 1/4″ seam along the raw edges. With your sleeve still inside out at this point, finger press open the seam. Finger press here so that you do not disturb the creases we already made. They are our guides for mounting the sleeve to the quilt.


Turn the sleeve right sides out and you should have a D-shaped sleeve. The two strong creases are the top and bottom edge of the sleeve. One side of the sleeve is shorter and will lie flat against the back of the quilt. The other side forms the rounded D-shape and is a little longer to allow room for the rod that the quilt will hang on. You need this extra space so the quilt is not distorted when it hangs.


Now center and pin the top edge of the sleeve across the top of your quilt, about 1/2″ below the binding.


Next, pin the bottom edge of the sleeve along the crease, keeping the bottom of the sleeve flat. There should be a tent/teepee area in the center. Do not stretch it out flat, remember we need this extra space.**After pinning, I like to do a test hang on a broom handle or rod to make sure everything hangs straight, so nothing has to be ripped later.**


Last, but not least….whip stitch along the creases and the sides to attach the sleeve to the quilt.  The stitches should be about 1/4″ apart, making sure to take a bite into the batting, but not through to the other side of your quilt!  The above pic is a demo with white thread just so you can see it, using a matching thread is always best.

That’s it! Pretty simple actually. P.S. If you don’t plan on hanging the quilt permanently…don’t stitch as tightly and you can remove/save it and use it on another quilt later.

Here is my other fair entry…in case you haven’t heard me talk about it 100 times!


Wish me luck



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I quilt for fun…

(pic from www.psiquilt.com)

Well, it’s freak out time as I am trying desperately to finish up two quilts at the same time here! The State Fair is in two weeks and our quilts need to be dropped off this Friday so they can be delivered and judged in time. I had such grand plans for my Fair entries this year, but man does time slip away!!! I needed to finish up my Star Surround quilt this week anyway so I can enter it in the parade over at Happy Quilting. So I figured this was perfect for an entry and I just love the design of this quilt. Then a bug bit me to finish up my Prism quilt that I am doing with Amy@13Spools. Our entry registrations were due last week and I was like… oh yeah, I can definitely finish that one too:) Just a few snips and stitches, right?

So here I am with just a few days left quilting my brains out. Don’t get me wrong, it is fun and I am loving these quilts, but I am having to pry my shoulders out of my ears after these marathon quilting sessions. My SS quilt is all quilted, just your basic stitch-in-the-ditch(or near it anyway).



And how did I not realize what a beastly size this Prism quilt is…


Okay, it’s only a twin…but it’s like an official twin 70 x 85!


Stitch-near-the-ditch on this one too. Face it, I wouldn’t be able to finish it otherwise, but I actually think all the straight lines work well with the design. Tonight I am off to finish up all the little blue prisms in the centers…all one million of them. Just kidding, but not really:)

I quilt for fun, I quilt for fun… As luck would have it I am off tomorrow so I can spend the whole day finishing these up.  I am thanking God for giving me a break on this one so I didn’t have to bind these quilts in my sleep! Does anybody else do this to themselves???  Hope to be showing you some finished up quilts on Friday.

Keep it Sassy


WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced    

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