Triangle Quilt Along


This Quilt Along is open to everyone!

Please join in anytime or at any part of the quilt along. Each link-up is individual so you can enter one, all of them or just the finale!

Triangle Quilt

Finished quilt is 49.5″ x 65″

Share your progress each week of the Triangle Quilt Along by linking up a photo to be entered in a weekly drawing for some awesome prizes from our generous sponsors! If you need help linking up your pic, just email me here: I want everyone who can to participate so I’m going to make it work for you! Even if you have to send me the pic and I will link it myself:) Join the Flickr Group HERE to share your photos!

Our final week will wrap up with a Triangle Extravaganza, where all the finished quilts will have a chance at a Grand Prize!

Triangle Quilt Along Announcement and Fabric Requirements- February 14

Official Sign-up and Share Fabric Selection- Week 1, March 21

Cutting- Week 2, March 28

Piecing Rows- Week 3, April 4

Joining Rows- Week 4, April 11

Break week! Giving you some quilting time here:) April 18

Finished Quilts Link up- Week 5, April 25

(this is a change- giving you the entire week to get them in the link up!)

You will have until May 3rd at midnight/EST to link up your finished quilt! Sorry, finished quilts only…no tops.

Triangle Extravaganza! May 5, Will announce winners and show off these fabulous quilts!

Edited to Add….

Last Chance Link Up!- June 1 thru July 31, last chance winner announced August 1!

This is a little incentive for all those who did not make the deadline to finish up their quilts:) Secret prize to be revealed later!

Prizes from Our Sponsors!

Week 1, Fabric Selection and sign ups- $25.00 gift certificate to Cotton Bliss!

Week 2, Cutting Triangles- $25.00  gift certificate to Fort Worth Fabric Studios!

Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Week 3, Piecing Rows- $25.00 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics!

Week 4, Joining Rows- $25.00 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics!

One week break:) then….

Week 5, Triangle Extravaganza!(Finished Quilts)- Two Grand Prizes- $75.00 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop and $50.00 gift certificate to Cotton Bliss!!!


Swirly Girls Design will be donating some patterns along the way!


If you are participating or following along…Please Grab a Button!


Please email me or leave a comment if you have any questions!


You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy


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  1. Excellent QAL – love those triangles! I just put your button on my blog. Now to choose fabrics!

  2. Ok, I posted your triangle button, I joined flicker, but don’t know what I’m going to do with it. and have gotten my fabric. Am I joined to the group? Tonia

    • sassyquilter says:

      You are in! I will help you with what to do next when we get there:) when we start in March will be the next time you have to do something.

  3. Excited! This is my first online anything! I’ve wanted to do this quilt for a long time and I just got a beautiful bundle of solids! Glad I found your QAL – dusting off my Flickr account!

  4. I want to do this so badly, but I am somewhat swamped at the moment. I’m going to keep my mind on this and see what I can get cleared off my plate by mid-March because I really want to try triangles!

  5. Susan in OK says:

    Paula, I have ordered fabric (like I don’t have enough fabric) from Forth Worth Fabric Studio (one of your sponsors). I ordered sale fabric, oh yeah. I wanted some plain fabric to coordinate with it. I asked Jodie if she would please pick some plain fabrics to go with my fabrics I had picked. She does a great job of selecting her Friday bundles. I wouldn’t get my fabrics until some time next week because something else I ordered is delaying the order until then. That’s no problem because I’ll have my fabric in plenty of time to start the Triangle Quilt Along. I’m an overachiver and plan to make my quilt larger than your layout. So, I just order more fabric. If I get overwhelmed, I can always make two quilts instead. It’s perfect timing because I have two quilts to finish for a quilt show in June, so it’ll help me to focus on finishing them. One is a DWR and rounded edges. I want to scallop the other, so more non-straighte edges. I don’t have the binding cut for it yet, either. I have a friend who is going to help me cut all that binding. I have never put a sleeve on a quilt and have no idea how to put a sleeve on a non-straight edge quilt. So, I have a couple of challenges over the next weeks. I’m excited about receiving my fabric and the QAL.

  6. Candy Radford says:

    I’m in! Can’t wait!

  7. Brenda Hulsey says:

    I’m ordering my die today to cut these and mine will be scrappy. Of course I’ll be behind the first week! Don’t know anything about the linky thing either.

    • Brenda Hulsey says:

      Opps! I’ve already changed my mind! I have a layer cake and 7 charm packs of American Primer that I will be using. Picture is posted!

  8. This looks like fun

  9. Can I use the Tri Tool which isn’t 60 degrees instead. That way I wouldn’t have to go out and purchase another ruler?

  10. I was trying to resist another QAL, but I’ve caved–it looks like a lot of fun!!

  11. Ok my arm has been twisted, I’m in! :)

  12. I’m in! Set up in Flickr. I’ll be using fabrics from Riviera II (a discontinued line from Connecting Thread)
    I’ve been wanting to make a triangle quilt for months now so this is just perfect for me.

  13. This sounds wonderful! I wonder if I have time……
    I may try to do some but not keep up

  14. Perfect! I have no time, but I’m in! Will post your button now. Thanks for hosting!

  15. Deb Hogg says:

    Okay. Sign me up. I am going to join Flicker in about 5 minutes. Fabric pic to be first upload. BTW, EVERYTIME I open the QAL info on FB, my FB crashes and I am totally out of FB. Happened about 20 tries today.

  16. Ok I’m in for my first QAL! I hope I can keep up with it all. I’m attempting to grab a button too. New quilter, new blogger, so much to learn! I chose some happy, spring fabrics. Ready to go!

  17. I am a new quilter and am intrigued with the triangle quilt. I have my fabric and I am ready to go!

  18. Brenda Hulsey says:

    I can’t get my photo on the link to work.

  19. Silly question I am sure but….since I already had my triangles cut prior to starting this-should I starch
    them now?

    • sassyquilter says:

      You can, just do carefully so you don’t distort them. Lifting the iron, not pushing or pulling.

  20. Heather Braun says:

    I just saw a post about this on Instagram! I was asked to make a commissioned triangle quilt back in Feb. and I just finished piecing it last weekend. First time I’ve made one of these quilts and it was difficult and it’s not perfect but I am so proud of my quilt! It was quilted on Monday and all I have left is the binding. I wish I would have seen this post about the QAL because I’m sure it would have helped me out a lot! Can I still join ya’lls QAL or should I start a new one and try to catch up with ya’ll?

  21. Kathleen Dalecio says:

    I’m late to the party, but have all my triangles cut and am ready to stitch! I did post a photo in the Flicker group yesterday, but was unable to leave a comment here for some reason. Hope this does the trick.

  22. Joanne Williams says:

    I am so far behind. When I signed up I was unemployed. I went back to work right after with 12 hour days. I bought the fabric and took a pic. Haven’t uploaded it yet. I spent the last 2 days starching. I even had to wait for the gallon size Best Dressed to come in the mail. I am starching but how stiff are they supposed to be? Like stand up on the edge stiff? I have gone through 3 16 oz spray bottles already. I plan on cutting today.

  23. Hi, Just put your button my blog – have been quietly “sewing along” but didn’t join up until now!!! Linda

  24. This is an AWESOME quilt along!!! I saw it too late to join in the official contest, but I have been wanting to do a triangle quilt for a while now….and this was just the thing I needed to see to get me going. I am starting TODAY!!! Thanks so much, I will be visiting your blog often…I LOVE IT!

  25. I haven’t done triangles yet, is there a intro to cutting them ?

  26. Liz Dillon says:

    Can you help me determine fabric amounts for a Twin XL size quilt?

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  1. […] of great QAL’s out there. I’m loving Michelle, Kristal and Daisy’s Gypsy Wife and Sassy Quilter’s Triangles. What QAL’s have you […]

  2. […] is hosting the Triangle Quilt Along, which begins tomorrow, over at her blog, The Sassy […]

  3. […] sure to check back in on Friday for the start of the Triangle Quilt Along! Not too late to join […]

  4. […] has a triangle quilt along. My first time joining one. Triangle Quilt Along – The Sassy Quilter Hugs, Joanne There are no mistakes, only happy accidents. – Bob Ross A girl needs to […]

  5. […] retreat, made a very cool log cabin quilt in black and white prints with red centers.    I joined The Sassy Quilter’s Triangle Along.  I saw a picture of an amazing black and white triangle quilt with pops of blue color at Freshly […]

  6. […] you guys on Friday for the Triangle Quilt Along and the cutting instructions for those fabulous triangles. If you haven’t joined in […]

  7. […] on over to The Sassy Quilter.  Today is the last day to link up your fabric choices for a chance to win a prize!  I love […]

  8. […] if you’d like to join the shameless, hop on over to The Sassy Quilter for all the deets. And if you are extra speedy and post a pic of the fabrics you plan on using […]

  9. […] OK, I give up….I’ll sign up for the Triangle Quilt Along at The Sassy Quilter.  Everywhere I turned I was seeing people signing up for this one.  Add to […]

  10. […] you’ve got so much stash fabric, let’s go on in there and pull a gorgeous color way for the Triangle QAL that The Sassy Quilter is hosting. That would be fun […]

  11. […] (yesterday), slept in (today), and decided I was ready to tackle the latest QAL I joined – The Triangle Quilt Along that Paula over at The Sassy Quilter is […]

  12. […] I found this Triangle Quilt-a-long  and would really like to do it. But it will most likely be next […]

  13. […] couple weeks ago I caved in and added another project to my never-ending list.  I joined The Triangle Quilt Along hosted by Paula at The Sassy […]

  14. […] am attempting to keep up with The Sassy’s Quilter’s Triangle Quilt Along.  I had big plans to sew, sew some more, and then finish with a bit more […]

  15. […] Pretty Peonies.  Adorable, right?  So, I kept thinking how it would be perfect for Paula at the Sassy Quilter’s Triangle Quilt Along.  Well, damn it, I got sucked in.  The next thing you know, I had dug out my triangle ruler and […]

  16. […] is the project that got me a little behind on my Triangle Quilt Along with The Sassy Quilter.   I do have the quilt top finished and just need somehow get it quilted by in the next few days. […]

  17. […] A Lovely Year of Finishes goal  (I was lucky #1 on the linkup) was to finish the top of my Triangle Quilt Along […]

  18. […] I was having a bit of a battle… the angel won I think because although I started a new project (the Triangle QAL – just could not resist!), I did use my stash. Here is a progress […]

  19. […] you’re interested in making a triangle quilt of your own, head on over to Paula’s quilt along – she has some fantastic tips.  The ladies that participated made some pretty awesome quilts […]

  20. […] my hand at triangles instead.  I followed the Sassy Quilter’s tutorial as she had just had a triangle sew along on her blog, which I actually was planning on joining, but time got away from me.  She had some […]

  21. […] reads {I absolutely agree that the world can be changed one quilt at a time!}. Paula hosted the Triangle Quilt-Along earlier this year that inspired so many gorgeous quilts popping up all over the web {mine’s […]

  22. […] ways to cut 60 degree triangles – one using your regular ruler and then using a triangle ruler. The Sassy Quilter ***Kathy**+ Reply With […]

  23. […] finish!  I didn’t make the Triangle Quilt Along deadline, but I did get it quilted up and finished.  I love the fabrics and it really was a lot of […]

  24. […] tutorials to help me –  Fancy Tiger Crafts (original inspiration), Stitched in Color, and The Sassy Quilter (each step is detailed […]

  25. […] The quilt I chose to submit is my Nocturnal Fields quilt, finished earlier this year as part of the Triangle Quilt Along with the Sassy Quilter. […]

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