Quilting Supplies at Craftsy.com

Threadology…Block 4

We are on Block 4 in the Threadology Quilt Along with Fat Quarter Shop!

Block 4

Churn Dash Blocks are finito!

I think they came out great… I’m biased:)

They are super simple and easy to put together!


These baby blocks are just tooooo cute!

If you haven’t joined in… it’s not too late!

Just head on over to The Jolly Jabber blog by Fat Quarter Shop. The pattern is FREE, but proceeds are going to the Make a Wish Foundation, so donations are encouraged.

They are sold out of the Threadology Quilt Kit and Backing set so if you are just joining in, you can find the full fabric requirements HERE to make a Threadology Quilt just like theirs. I am loving seeing all the different varieties of fabrics used in these quilts.

The winner from the “Log Cabins and a giveaway!” post is…
Brenda Niedermeyer

Thanks so much guys for following along!


Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!


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Threadology…Block 3


This month I am continuing in the quilt along with Fat Quarter Shop called…


This quilt is super cute and I love the fabric line they are using, Little Snippets by Bonnie and Camille for MODA.

It’s not too late to join in if you are interested… just head on over to The Jolly Jabber blog by Fat Quarter Shop. The pattern is free, but proceeds are going to the Make a Wish Foundation, so donations are encouraged.

You can find the quilt kit HERE and info on the fabric requirements HERE.

Here is my Shooting Squares blocks… Block 3. A big 12.5″ block.

And my cute little Shooting Squares blocks… Block 3 minis. These finish at 6.5″.

Please join in and quilt along!

Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Layer Cake Pop- Layer Cake Quilts

Layer Cake Quilt Pattern

This beautiful quilt has finally been quilted!

This was a wonderful layer cake quilt pattern from Fat Quarter Shop that I did way back(omg it was Jan 2017) using their famous series they do called Short Cut Quilts...

And guess what?

It only takes a half a layer cake and a jelly roll for the background…

and it is a FREE PATTERN!

Boom! So easy.


I used a layer cake from Cotton and Steel, Mesa by Alexia Abegg, to make this quilt.

The cream fabric was a nice match up.

I just love how this quilt turned out. The fabrics really pop!

I quilted it using a loop de loop pattern around all the center squares. I think this also helped the fabrics take center stage.

Here is the Fat Quarter Shop’s Short Cut Quilt video you need to make this quilt:

Be sure to watch and give them a like on YouTube.

Here is a link to my previous post…HERE.

I seriously hope you guys give this quilt a try and add it to your list of layer cake quilts!

Happy Quilting Sassites:)

Online Quilting Class

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy♥


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Bella Skill Builder…Block 9

Here we are… Block 9 in the Bella Skill Builder quilt along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop!

This is the last block, Yay!

Bella Skill Builder
Block 9
Lazy Angle

This months block requires the Creative Grids Lazy Angle Ruler.

Image result for creative grids lazy angle ruler

You definitely need this ruler… no faking it on this one. These were fun to make and easy peasy to put together!

Easy to follow instructions come with this Lazy Angle block pattern.

Next month is just putting all these gorgeous blocks together! Almost there guys.

Keep stitching!

Don’t forget its not too late to get your supplies to join in! Below are the links to get you there.

Fat Quarter Shop has a Quilt Kit, Backing Set, and a Thread Set for this quilt.

Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit Exclusive Fat Quarter Shop Kit designed by Sherri McConnell

Backing Set for Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit 5.5 yards of SKU# 9900-89
Bella Skill Builder Thread PackFat Quarter Shop Exclusive


Keep it Sassy♥

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Bella Skill Builder…Block 3

Pineapples anyone???

This month we are on Block 3  in the Bella Skill Builder quilt along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop!

This month is the Pineapple Block!

Block 3

I’m not gonna lie…this was a tricky block!

You will use a specialty ruler for this one….


Creative Grids Pineapple Trim Tool


The key is to make sure you read the instructions thoroughly and use the ruler properly!

I got a little ahead of myself and just kept cutting which = lots of seam ripping.  Go step by step and you should do just fine.

Finger press along the way. I ironed only at the end of each block because there is a lot of seams and it can get wonky fast.

I also used a scant quarter inch seam when stitching these and the blocks came out the perfect size!

Hope you guys are enjoying this quilt… This block definitely pushed me out of the box a little and I did a block I never have before. Yay for quilty me!

Bella Skill Builder

Don’t forget its not too late to get your supplies to join in! Below are the links to get you there.

Fat Quarter Shop has a Quilt Kit, Backing Set, and a Thread Set for this quilt.

Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit Exclusive Fat Quarter Shop Kit designed by Sherri McConnell

Backing Set for Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit 5.5 yards of SKU# 9900-89
Bella Skill Builder Thread PackFat Quarter Shop Exclusive



Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Bella Skill Builder…Block 1

Today starts the beginning of an awesome quilt along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop!

Bella Skill Builder

I am super pumped to make this quilt. It will be a 10 month process, with a new block posted the 1st of the month for 9 months and then a finishing post for the last month.

Some months you will make multiples…. just in case you were like….HEY? There is more than 10 blocks in there!

Oh…. and did I mention it’s a FREE PATTERN! Happy face:)

Here is an up close look at this gorgeous quilt…..

Bella Skill Builder

This quilt will finish at 66.5 x 83.5

We will be working with Bella Solids….. hence the name, Bella Skill Builder.

Fat Quarter Shop has a Quilt Kit, Backing Set, and a Thread Set for this quilt.

Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit Exclusive Fat Quarter Shop Kit designed by Sherri McConnell

Backing Set for Bella Skill Builder Quilt Kit 5.5 yards of SKU# 9900-89
Bella Skill Builder Thread PackFat Quarter Shop Exclusive
Today’s Block…..

Block 1: Kaleidoscope

You will make three blocks with this pattern.


One large block and two smaller versions.

Tips for this block…

•be precise with cutting, mistakes add up!

•fabric is on bias so kinda stretchy, use pins and don’t over press and stretch these out!

Rulers you can use for this block are:

Creative Grids Spider Web Ruler #CGRKA6

Creative Grids 6 1/2” Quilting Square Ruler #CGR6

Creative Grids 12 1/2” Quilting Square Ruler #CGR12


Some templates are provided should you not have them.

You can find the patterns to download HERE!

Have fun Sassy’s and enjoy working on building your quilting skills!



Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Planning for quilty success! 2017

Quilt Planning

We have all heard this quote…. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” by Winston Churchill or maybe this one by Benjamin Franklin…”By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.”.

This month I’ve been doing a lot of planning for my new year! Focusing on what I need to get done and new challenges I want to embrace.

You may have seen some awesome quilty planners floating around on the the interwebs…..

like this one>>>

The Quilter's PlannerThe Quilter’s Planner by Stephanie Palmer

Can I just say this planner is AWESOME looking! ….. but alas, I am trying to not buy every little thing my quilty heart desires in 2017.  But if you can… get you one HERE

So here is what I came up with for myself…. a little journal I received as a gift! Added my own little quilty quote…. because “Quilty dreams do come true💜.”

Quilt Planning

I’m gonna walk you through my planning process and maybe it will help you too! 

Quilt Planning

•First task…. Assess what is happening! 

Quilt Planning

Woah Paula!!!!

FOURTEEN unquilted tops… gotta look those tops in the face, take some control! 

P.s…. don’t be ashamed of unfinished projects.

We are makers! And makers gonna make quilty peeps:)

Next stop on the unfinished train….

•Quilts or projects that are started but haven’t made it to the finished top phase. 

I call this the To Be Pieced section….

Ok…. so I have a few of these also, no biggie! 

Quilt Planning

A second part of this I call… my In Progress section.

These are quilts that are basted and in the mid-quilting phase.

Hey….. pat on the back! These are almost there.

Quilt Planning

• New Projects.

What do I want to do that is new and exciting in 2017…


You might be thinking….PAULA!

Are any new projects really necessary? 

I  say YES! 

Quilt Planning

We have to keep growing as quilters and letting our creative side have fun!

So I made a list of some projects I want to push myself to squeeze in.

Quilt Planning

Last….but not least….

•Add a page of Goals and Progress for each month! 

This lets me see what I’ve accomplished. It’s easy to get overwhelmed!!!

But we must remember…. Quilting is fun! It’s your world. Do what makes you happy 😊 

My goal is to finish something unfinished each month and enjoy something new! 

January is looking good so far…

•One finished Quilt!

•One finished top!

•And a start on a quilt I’ve dreamed of making as long as I can remember. 

My quilty heart is happy💜

I hope you guys give yourselves a break, BE SASSY and continue you to do what you love!



Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Layer Cake Pop Quilt Along and giveaway!

Hey there Sassy’s!

Fat Quarter Shop is sharing a fun and FREE PATTERN today as part of a quilt along!

Fat Quarter Shop

Layer Cake Pop


 Get Quilt Kit HERE

They did their quilt kit in Spectrum by V and Co.

Such a fun fabric line!

Here is my version of this quilt….

I just love these little stars that this pattern makes! Cute.

I used a Cotton and Steel layer cake and made my own jelly roll out of a cream dot background fabric. The cream color worked really well with this line.

It was a fun pattern and a great way to use up some of those layer cakes we have piling up!!!!

Wanna see all the different versions of this quilt?….. and a chance to win the Fat Quarter Shop GIVEAWAY?

Check out all of the other bloggers participating today and enter the giveaway HERE.


Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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No Bake Jolly Bar Quilt – Easy and Free Pattern!

No Bake Jolly Bar Blog Hop!


Hey there guys! Today I am a stop on the No Bake Jolly Bar Blog Hop hosted by Fat Quarter Shop.

Fat Quarter Shop has a fun, fast and fabulous FREE quilt pattern to share with you…

They call it the No Bake Jolly Bar….

Here is the FREE PATTERN!

For my quilt I used a white layer cake and two jolly bars in “the Boat house” by Sweetwater for MODA fabrics.

In case you don’t know what a jolly bar is…..it is basically a layer cake cut in half, 5″ x 10″ rectangles. Super fun and easy for making a quilt.

Let me tell you…. this quilt came together lickety-split! One day I made all the blocks and the next I put them all together. This is a nice size quilt too… It finishes at 63.5″ x 81.5″, so it will make a nice size quilt to use as a gift for Christmas. Can’t wait to get it quilted up!


Fat Quarter shop has lots of kits for this quilt….

You can get some awesome Quilt Kits HERE


a backing set for the quilt HERE!


Watch the YouTube video HERE!


Guess What???

Fat Quarter Shop is giving me a Jolly Bar of your choice to give away!!!
To Enter>>>>

Just leave a comment here on this post telling me your favorite Jolly Bar!

Contest ends Sunday, December 6th at midnight/EST.

Winner will be announced later that week.

(And the winner is….. Sue! Thanks for entering!!!)

Here is the complete list of participating bloggers….

Andy of A Bright Corner
Sherri of A Quilting Life
Melissa of Happy Quilting
Heather and Megan of Quilt Story
Denise of Pieced Brain
Jane of Quilt Jane
Caroline of Sew Can She
Vickie of Spun Sugar Quilts
Christina of WIPS and TUTS
Paula of The Sassy Quilter>>>You are here!



Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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Quilted Living Summer Blog Tour

Hey there Quilt People!!!
Today is the start of the Quilted Living Summer Blog Tour!
Summer is kind of crazy but I hope you make some time to check out these blogs this week for lots of beautiful quilts and a chance to win some extra special giveaways.
I will have my quilt to show you here on Friday, plus a fun giveaway too!!!

Here is the schedule:

Monday 07/13/15
Fat Quarter Shop
Jennifer of Never Just Jennifer
Tuesday 07/14/15
Melissa of Happy Quilting
Wednesday 07/15/15
Chelsea of Patch the GiraffeThursday 07/16/15
Jane of Quilt Jane

Friday 07/17/15
Gerri Robinson
Paula of The Sassy Quilter

Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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