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Layer Cake Pop- Layer Cake Quilts

Layer Cake Quilt Pattern

This beautiful quilt has finally been quilted!

This was a wonderful layer cake quilt pattern from Fat Quarter Shop that I did way back(omg it was Jan 2017) using their famous series they do called Short Cut Quilts...

And guess what?

It only takes a half a layer cake and a jelly roll for the background…

and it is a FREE PATTERN!

Boom! So easy.


I used a layer cake from Cotton and Steel, Mesa by Alexia Abegg, to make this quilt.

The cream fabric was a nice match up.

I just love how this quilt turned out. The fabrics really pop!

I quilted it using a loop de loop pattern around all the center squares. I think this also helped the fabrics take center stage.

Here is the Fat Quarter Shop’s Short Cut Quilt video you need to make this quilt:

Be sure to watch and give them a like on YouTube.

Here is a link to my previous post…HERE.

I seriously hope you guys give this quilt a try and add it to your list of layer cake quilts!

Happy Quilting Sassites:)

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Keep it Sassy♥


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Free Quilt Patterns – Double Slice


Double Slice

Here is a little snippet of my progress on my Double Slice Quilt.  I have got all 63 blocks made and pressed! I just laid a few together to see how they look together….I like it. Very scrappy and organized at the same time, especially since I stuck to one fabric line here. Piper by Dear Stella for Moda Fabrics. I just love the colors in this one.

My two favorites…..Whirligigs and Queen Anne’s Lace! Childhood memories of these I think:)



For those of you who have never heard of the Double Slice pattern, it is one of the many free quilt patterns by Missouri Star  Quilt Co. and is a great beginner pattern because it is super easy to do and quick. You can watch the video here. All you need is a layer cake or two, depending on how big you want it. Here is a little synopsis of what you do.

1. You start with 10″ squares or a layer cake of precuts. I made my own layer cake from the half-yard bundle of Piper I got from Moona Fabrics. You cut these at 6.5″, and now you have two strips: a 3.5″ and a 6.5″.

2. Flip one of the stacks you cut upside down, and now sew them back together. Flipping one stack helps them go back together in a random fashion. You can move some around if you don’t like the pairs, but I suggest just going with the flow since it is a scrappy look anyway.


3. Now cut your blocks in half, that’s at 5″. I know, I know….it is hard cutting a perfectly fine block:)


4. Flip your stack and sew them back together again, with the smaller strips on opposite ends. Your blocks should finish at 9.5″.  Arrange by alternating vertically and horizontally.


And don’t forget! The coupon code below is good until 11/1/13 for free shipping at Moona Fabrics, so check them out!


Keep it Sassy


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