Quilting Supplies at Craftsy.com

Winner and a Tip!


And the Winner is…


Congrats Shauna and I hope you will share with us what you make out of this sassy little bundle:)

Now, on to a Sassy Tip;) You may have noticed this hasn’t really been a weekly occurrence…okay, okay not even monthly! *wince* Well, here it is anyway:

If you are having trouble threading a needle try it from the other side. One side of the eye is always a little bigger!

Make sure to check out the Quilt Parade over at Happy Quilting today, so many gorgeous Star Surrounds!

Keep it Sassy

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Sassy Tip of the Week-103

A little behind on the tips but here ya go:)

Don’t know what to do with those old sewing needles or pins that need to be tossed, but it just feels wrong(and dangerous) to put in with your other trash???

Why put them in an old prescription bottle or an empty tic-tac box. That seems a little silly to say empty, but I’m gonna go with it!


Safety First! Quilting can be dangerous:)


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Tip of the Week…

Does it drive you crazy when you are pressing your lovely, quilty things

and you just need to snip a thread or two…

but your scissors are nowhere to be found?

Tie a ribbon to a small pair of scissors and pin it to your ironing board!

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Sassy Tip of the Week-102

Is that foot pedal just out of reach……tired of chasing it across the floor?

Put a mouse pad under it to keep it in one place!

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Sassy Tip of the Week-101

Walking Foot

When sewing on your binding….use a walking foot.

A walking foot is great for long seams and it keeps them smooth and flat

instead of slowly wrinkling up on you.

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