WIP Wednesday


Dresden Plate…

Well, I have got my Dresden Plate top together! I thought appliqueing the Dresdens to the block would be tricky, but I used a little adhesive spray and it worked great.

First, I folded the background square into quarters and pressed it so it would leave some creases. I used these as guidelines to center the Dresdens. Just a light press was all I needed because you want to be able to iron them out afterwards. Then I used little bursts of spray adhesive(so I didn’t get the sticky stuff everywhere) and got to sewing these down.

Once the plate part of the Dresden was on I appliqued the center medallion. Pretty simple! My grey blocks are about 21″. This is going to need a whole lot of quilting. Where I got off easy during the piecing, I am going to have a lot to make up for with the quilting. Gotta sandwich first….then to the sketchbook!

I did finish up my Strawberry Jam though! Here it is:



I tried a new technique on the binding. I used a zigzag stitch to do my final seam.

IMG_2086 IMG_2083

For the most part is came out great. Definitely easier to catch the edge(at least at some point)! I did go off the rails in this corner, but easy enough to fix.


I am still not completely happy with the quilting and may go back and add some more, but I am pretty sure I am over thinking it and should just move on:)

See you guys on Friday!

Keep it Sassy




Linking up with:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced     My Quilt Infatuation


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  1. Love the Dresdens! Looking forward to seeing it finished. I used to be intimidated (and still am a little) by all these ‘specialty’ patterns, but watching and reading is making me confident enough to want to try. First hexies – then Dresdens. (Maybe I’ll start with pillow tops!)

    First, I have to finish my first quilt. ha!

  2. Your quilts look fabulous!! :0)

  3. I think the quilting looks great and you are over thinking it. That jam looks pretty great too!

  4. Lovely dresdens. Thanks for sharing the technique you used to appliqué them.

  5. Love it!

  6. I love your dresdens! They look awesome! Strawberry jam is super cute too, and yes- you are overthinking the quilting. It looks great! Great photo with the jam!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  7. Oh, “Sassy” your quilts are so beautiful! I like the Strawberry Jam Quilt, but the Dresden has always been my very favorite design! I love your background! It really makes your Dresden “blossoms” and colors pop!
    Dresden design was the first design that drew me to Quilting. Dresden was the choice for my first Quilt front, yet, still UFO because I am making a fancy border (blocks of several things I learned that first year) with all the left over stash. I loved the design, the colors I chose, and what I call the blossom (putting blades all together in a complete circle like a flower, rather than fan-like).
    I don’t know the real name; I just assumed the Dresden referred to the shape of the blade, so then I add blossom, fan, bow-tie and so forth. One of my first blog posts, but, you can see my design here:

    Hope that click works, but if not it was named “A Newbie’s first steps and moving on…” I’m still working on it, but I love it still 3 years and a lot of projects later!
    Thanks for showing us your work! You’ve encouraged me so much. I panicked when I saw your Wednesday project! I thought I had missed a day this week…still living in Tuesday!
    Happy high hopes of getting a lot done!
    See you Friday…

  8. Both these quilts are great. Love the colours in the Dresdens.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Those dresdens look great!

  10. Your Dresden quilt looks great!!

  11. You are so quick, to already have a Dresden plate top! Great use of negative space, and I like the gray background (white quilts get sooo grubby in my house). Can’t wait to see how you will choose to quilt it.

  12. Thinking the Strawberry Jam quilt is sooo adorable with all those grey dots and then a punch of color:)

  13. you are tempting me with the dresdens again!
    nice work on the jam. =) and cute photo styling, too.

  14. I love your Dresden quilt. I’ve just recently been playing with the idea of a dresden quilt and you are just giving me more inspiration. Nice job!

  15. Love the strawberry jam quilt, the polka dot fabric is perfect and nice tip for the binding, thanks :)

  16. Loving the grey background on the Dresdens Paula! Did you hand or machine applique them? I’ve not used spray-baste before…but I confess I’ve used Spray Mount!!!!!!!! (for some tiny pieces on free machine appliqué – bit of a sticky needle, but needs must sometimes, lol :D )

  17. sassyquilter says:

    Machine applique with a small buttonhole stitch, Stephie. Oh, the horror! Sending the Quilt Police:) I guess the quilting one is a little less sticky. Didn’t seem to mess with my needle. I have heard of people using a glue stick too.

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