Quilting Supplies at Craftsy.com

Block 2

Block 2- Virtual Quilting Bee

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday
We-we-we so excited, We so excited
We gonna have a ball today!

(you know you wanna sing it? Friday song by Rebecca Black, lol)

Moving on to Block 2, Origami Star by Amy Newbold@Sukie Don’t Ya Know.

Just joining in? This is the 2nd block of The Virtual Quilting Bee by Amy Smart@Diary of a Quilter.


And….No, you are not too late to join in the quilty fun! Just click on the link above to get the info.


Here is my fabrics all cut and ready to go, you might notice I veered off the chosen prints, anything goes.

If you are like me, you might be slightly terrified concerned when you look at this block!  I swear it’s easier than it looks;)

Tips for this block:

Chain piecing speeds up the process. Just keep feeding in the next pieces and don’t stop to cut the threads. This forms a chain of pieced parts. You can snip apart later and then chain piece the next pieces.


Square up your four mini-blocks before assembling the final block. If not 4.5″, make it so! or rip apart and re-sew if too small:( Square it up again after adding the corner pieces(still should be 4.5″).


Press open the seams on the back of the smaller strip blocks. Instead of pressing to one side, this reduces bulk when there are more seams involved. Notice these are still chain pieced together. I cut after I pressed, but can whenever want.


Pay attention to which corners you sew your smaller(white) squares onto!!! It really, really, really matters:) I had to rip out a few myself.

**After you sew on the corner squares, you will trim the inside seam. This leaves you with little sets of paired triangles. Go ahead and sew them together and you get these 1.5″ little cuties!!! Save them for another project or a miniature quilt.**


So, how are you liking it? Not too bad, right? Have you finished block 1? Huh, huh, I wanna know:)

Share your finished blocks with me on my Facebook page , post a link to yours or join our Flickr group! I would love to see how everyone is doing.

Happy Quilting

Links: TGIFF, LAFF@RichardandTanyaQuilts, ShineOnFridays

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