Quilter with no quilts…

So why is it so hard to get a quilt when you make quilts? 

I’ve said it myself to lots of quilters….

if you want a quilt you can make yourself one! Right?

But…. we all know it is so much more than that. Yes, we make ourselves quilts sometimes…. but receiving a quilt from a fellow quilter I believe is one of the greatest treasures! A quilt is never cost effective… costs money, time, frustration, brain power and sometimes injury!

A quilt is a true gift from the heart❤️… You only get one if you are loved!

2016 was a great quilty year for me because I received not one but two! And I want to show them off:) 

My cousin gave me this beauty! Thank you Mags!

This one is from a quilty friend in my local Richmond Modern Quilters Guild. Thank you Betty! 

 I love the colors in both. Matches my home. One I snuggle on the couch with and the other in the bed. Happiness all around! 

I want to challenge everyone in 2017 to show some quilty love to your fellow quilters.
Thank you to Maggie and Betty for blessing me with sassy quilty goodness:)


Keep it Sassy

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  1. Oh, you NAILED that one! “receiving a quilt from a fellow quilter I believe is one of the greatest treasures!” So true. I would be over the moon to receive a quilt as a gift. :)

  2. I felt the exact same way up until last year. I hosted a swap where we made a full lap quilt using the swoon block. I have received the most beautiful quilt ever and sent one to a fellow quilter made with the same blood, sweat and love…not really any tears.

  3. It was my thrill to give you that quilt!! Have always found it way more fun to give than to receive (but then I’ve never been given a quilt!).

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