Busy Bee?

Are you having trouble keeping up with all your quilt a-longs, sew a-longs, bees, swaps, and even your fabrics and WIP’s? Well check out this cool new app that is available on your Apple devices!

Quilt Bee App

This snazzy new app is by Julie@627Handworks. I just love Julie’s work and she also has some fabulous paper piecing blocks you should check out and is currently hosting a fun Sunday Funday Giveaway with lots of chances to win quilty goodies on Sunday’s for the next few weeks. I tell you there is just lots of quilt goodness over there:)


And here are my delicious goodies I won from the Christmas in July contest @LoveByHand.

$40 gift certificate to Sew Lux Fabric
Pearle Cotton Sampler from Sew Lux Fabric


Sewing Prints from Pen & Paint



Paloma FQ bundle from Dear Stella



 Thanks for all the goodies Christen! I can’t wait to crack in to this bundle:)

Keep it Sassy


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  1. Wow, what a great prize. I’m still trying to see if I will ever win anything in all these blog give aways.

  2. Wow! Great prizes, I love Dear Stella fabric. I too think that app looks great and plan on getting it.

  3. Those are all great Paula! You sure have been one lucky girl lately!!

  4. Congrats on the prizes, Paula! Concerning the app…. I have convinced my daughter to let me use her ipod now that she has an iphone and I am going to get that app! As soon as I get an itunes gift card….. That is! Sounds like a great way to stay organized and get motivated to use an isomething!

  5. you lucky duck! you sure seem to win often. couldn’t happen to a nicer gal. =)

  6. Lovely and congrats and stuff! :)

  7. Love everything!! <3

  8. Lucky you!! That’s an awesome bunch of goodies!

    Thank you so much for sharing this at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  9. Sure do like the prizes you won. Thanks for participating in Sunday Funday!

  10. Such a worthy winner! Hope you’re having fun with all those goodies :)

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