What is Bloglovin’ ?


So have you heard of Bloglovin’ ?

I hadn’t either, but since I started my blog I noticed it on a lot of other blogs I follow. I brushed it off as some other thing I would have to sign up for and manage, but now that I am using it…it’s pretty awesome and REALLY easy to use.

So……if you have a lot of blogs you like, you know how annoying it is to check each one and then find there is not even any new posts!!!  I can’t tell you how much time I have spent going to each web page or have kept 10 tabs open at a time just to keep up with the latest blog posts:(

Think of Bloglovin’ as a Pinterest for blogs…and we all love Pinterest:)  You can connect through email or Facebook and picking out all the blogs you want to follow was super easy and I even found some other awesome quilt blogs.  Bloglovin’ updates you every time each one has a new post and you have a blog roll of all the latest post. This lets you breeze through all your blogs main pic, title and a snippet to see if you wanna check it out.  So if you are a blog follower (and I think you are)….Check it out! Keep on top of all the quilty fabulous-ness out there!!!

Oh, and I almost forgot they have an app for your cell phone and an add-on for your browser’s tool bar. So your only one click away from your favorite blogs!

Do you have any other fabulous quilt blogs that you follow? Comment, and let me know the link!

Happy Quilting


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  1. Hi Paula, this was really helpful, thank you! Like you I’ve seen it around and thought “oh just something else to manage” but with the demise of Google Reader, I think it could well be worth checking out :) Love your blog btw – you can be my first Bloglovin’ subscription!!!!

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