Triangle QAL Update!



Hey guys! Hope your quilt tops are coming together and you are getting quilty with it:)

I have an update that will make you breathe a little easier… have some extra time to get these puppies finished! Yay, right!

My original list of dates finished us up on April 25th….I forgot to take into account that I usually give you the whole week to get your pics linked up. No way we can do that in one day and me get the Triangle Extravaganza together! So here is how it will go… I will announce the final link up on Friday, April 25th and you will have until Saturday, May 3rd at midnight/EST to get your finished quilt linked up. Monday, May 5th I will announce the winners and show off these gorgeous triangle masterpieces!

April 25th- Final link-up!

May 3rd- Final link-up closes.

May 5th- Triangle Extravaganza! and prize winners announced.

That is a few extra days….I know some wished there was an extra week or two! This is my first QAL so I will do better next time, I promise:) If I change it now I might have some angry quilters on my hands, lol.


If you do not finish by the deadline on May 3rd and you get it done the next day…you will miss out on the prizes, but email me a pic and I will get you in the Extravaganza parade of quilts!

If you know you don’t make the deadline, no worries! Keep on quilting and I am planning a special something for those who just need more time. More on that after the Extravaganza so keep on pushing and see if you can’t get your quilt finished!

Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!


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  1. Thank you Paula, I am one of those that can use the extra time. I have arthritis in my hands so had to give up hand quilting, and cutting out some pieces is hard, but bought a nifity new quilt ruler with a blade attached, so watch out fabric……any who, I have been having fun putting the triangles together, have been working on rows, but sometimes I grab my seam ripper to exchange a piece, so slow going….Love the quilt along….

  2. I’m excited about the link-up. I’m done but mine is tiny :)

  3. If I am posting my pictures on Flikr am I entered into weekly drawing? I have kept on schedule so far but because I am piecing the back I know I won’t be able to finish back, binding and quilting on time. Maybe week each for those things next quilt along? Thanks for hosting, I don’t think I have ever made a quilt so fast!

  4. Margaret says:

    god to have an extension but still will not finish as I am not sure how to quilt a quilt!! Now have 4 waiting for divine inspiration and help

  5. oh now you tell us after I worked like a mad woman to get mine done. Back pieced with orphan blocks, quilted and binding all done. LOL

  6. I’m so glad! Now I have a chance of getting it done on time!

  7. Yay, Yay, Yay! I just moved 1000 miles away and my quilting stuff is STILL packed up! :( All my little triangles are calling out my name, “sew me together, quilt me, bind me…..”

  8. Oh good! I haven’t bought batting yet, oops.

  9. Sweet! I should finish with no problem but it’s definitely been a chore to keep up with this QAL!

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