Sassy Update…BOM’s, Scrappy Trips and QuiltCon!

Sassy Update

Well I have been super busy lately…I guess summer is just that way! So what have I been up to???

My Sassy Quilters Guild is doing the Craftsy 2012 BOM. It is a free class you can find HERE if you are interested. I am love, love loving these blocks!!! Probably my most favorite BOM yet. The blocks are not super hard and are fun and modern interpretations of traditional blocks.

Craftsy 2012 BOM May

May was the wonky Log Cabin variations. The fabrics I am using for the entire quilt are Carnaby Street by Pat Bravo for Art Gallery. Love these!

Craftsy 2012 BOM June


June was the Octagon and Greek Cross blocks……I would love to do an entire quilt of these greek crosses!

Scrappy Trip QAL

I signed up to do Julie@627handworks, Scrappy Trip Quilt Along. These are such fun blocks and I am loving the ones I have received so far….seriously, gorgeous! They are from all over the world…and that is just too cool! They are on Round 5 and this is my first round, but I hope to keep collecting enough of these to do an entire quilt. Make sure you head over and follow Julie so you don’t miss the next round if you are interested. It will be in the Fall.

Scrappy Trip QAL

So here are some of my strip sets I have laid out…. The people in my hive have told me some colors they like so I’m picking fabrics with some general guidelines.

I hope they like them! Anybody else feel the pressure when they are sewing for other quilters?

Scrappy Trip QAL

This block is all teal and orange, yummy!

Scrappy Trip QAL

Better get to it! These have to be shipped by July 15th!

Last, but not least….QuiltCon. Oh yes, I am all signed up and so excited I can barely stand it:) I am going to be taking a class on Ombre fabrics with Vanessa Christenson. The rest will be lectures and the quilt show……..and of course SHOPPING! Looking forward to meeting some bloggy friends and checking out Austin, Texas.

  Quilt Con Schedule

Tomorrow is the last day for my Crackerjack GIVEAWAY! So click HERE to enter a 10 FQ bundle and a Crackerjack pattern. I am giving a second one away on Instagram so hop over there for a chance at another.


Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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  1. must check out the BOM for 2012, love the blocks you have done so far I did the one for 2013, still at flimsy stage,

  2. I have had that class for awhile. And since I did not get a good start on the triangle quilt I think I’ll use that fabric and do this BOM. Your my inspiration for this and you can hold me accountable to post one square at the first of every month. In all your free time that is :-) I’ll post Aug !.

  3. I loved the Craftsy BOM 2012! I’m excited to see what yours looks like when it’s done. Also super stoked about quiltcon!

  4. What a yummy pic filled post! Such beautiful fabrics and blocks, Paula. Love those BOM blocks.

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