Sassy Saturday Giveaway!

Sassy Saturday

This weeks Sassy Saturday is sponsored by Bear Creek Quilting Company!

Bear Creek Quilting Company

Shari at Bear Creek Quilting Co. has our first quilting book to give away! I don’t know about you, but I am obsessed with quilt books:)

Baby Says Sew by Rebecca Danger

Here is a sneak peak at the cutest little baby projects you will find inside…

Baby Says Sew Baby Says Sew Baby Says Sew Baby Says Sew Baby Says Sew Baby Says Sew

Check out the book selection at Bear Creek Quilting Company HERE!

Here are a few of my faves…

What to do to ENTER>>>>>

Visit Bear Creek Quilting Co. and sign up for their Newsletter, then come back and let me know you did or that you already do!

**Bonus: Bear Creek Quilting Company also gives away a $25 gift certificate every month to a Newsletter subscriber!**

(giveaway is open internationally and ends Thursday, Nov. 20th at midnight/EST.)

Bear Creek Quilting Company

You can find and follow Bear Creek Quilting Co.  on Facebook, Pinterest, Blog, or by Newsletter!

Congratulations to last weeks Sassy Saturday winner….

Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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  1. I already subscribe to Bear Creek and am in love with the baby projects. We seem to be having a run on babies lately, so I am always looking for new things to make, along with the fabric. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  2. Already a subscriber.

  3. I follow Bear Creek and get their emails. I would love to win Sew Baby Sew. I have a great gran coming in January. I’m never gonna get all my projects done for him.

  4. I could really use this book having a new granddaughter. I love the projects. Thanks for the chance

  5. I am a subscriber to Bear Creek. Love their fun and informative email updates.

  6. Patricia C says:

    I do follow them.

  7. I’m a subscriber to Bear Creek blog and newsletter. Thank you for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  8. I already receive the Bear Creek Quilting Co newsletter. Thanks.

  9. I receive the newsletter! Love their fabrics and books!!

  10. I”m already a subscriber! Thanks for the giveaway. Baby things are the most fun to make!


  12. Dana Cargill says:

    I follow Bear Creek Quilting .

  13. I’m a long time Bear Creek subscriber-love them!

  14. Linda Brown says:

    I just subscribed to Bear Creek

  15. I subscribe already!

  16. Dixie Walls says:

    I already subscribe to Bear Creek

  17. I don’t know if I’ll have any more grandchildren but I love the projects in Baby Says Sew! I signed up for BCQ newsletter too.

  18. I already follow Bear Creek, but Baby Says Sew has some really cute projects that I would like to try. I already have Jera’s Quilt As You Go Made Modern And starting a quilt from there now.

  19. cdahlgren2013 says:

    I already subscribe to their newsletter. They rock! cdahlgren at live dot com

  20. Sherril McGann says:

    I signed up for the newsletter. I would love to have Baby Says Sew as I have a grandchild on the way.

  21. I already subscribe to Bear Creek. I love looking through quilt books!

  22. I’m a Subscriber

  23. I subscribed to both their newsletter and blog. Quilt Talk is HIGH on my list of books to purchase next time I have the opportunity! I see several of my favorite fabrics on their website. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. I already subscribe to n tier news letter.. and I’m dyin for sew baby sew!

  25. Stephanie D says:

    I get their newsletter!

  26. I am a subscriber to Bear Creek Quilting Co.’s newsletter.

  27. I already subcription to there news letters. They have wonderful tutorials.

  28. I already subscribe to the newsletter. I have a 7 month old baby and I’d love to sew some of those cute projects for her. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. I already subscribe to the newsletter,and look forward to it each month! That little modle is out of bounds Cute!

  30. I’m a subscriber.mi saw plenty of projects I could make for my new grandson

  31. I’m a Bear Creek newsletter subscriber, thanks!

  32. I am already subscribed to their newsletter :-)

  33. Joyce Mitchell says:

    I’m subscribed – thanks.

  34. just subscribed to bear creek quilting. also checking out the other sites shown

  35. I’m already subscribed to Bear Creek Quilting’s newsletter. Thank you for the giveaway.

  36. rosemarazzle says:

    Rosemary B here:
    I already subscribe to Bear Creek. I buy my batting from them :-)

    • rosemarazzle says:

      Oh and looking at these books…. I want them all. How adorable. Now I just need some grandbabies. Thanks for this delightful giveaway

  37. Patti McGarry says:

    I already subscribe to Bear Creek’s newsletter!

  38. I already subscribe!!

  39. Linda Edwards says:

    I already subscribe to Bear Creek. Love these baby items. Especially the Turtle Stack. So Cute!!

  40. Visited Bear Creek Quilting Co. and signed up for their Newsletter.

  41. I already subscribe to Bear Creek’s newsletter. Thanks for the chance.

  42. farmquilter says:

    Farm Quilting is a seasoned follower of Bear Creek Quilting on Facebook and I get their newsletter!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!!!

  43. Lynne Tilley says:

    I take the Bear Creek newsletter

  44. Beth Strand says:

    I love Bear Creek! And I get their newsletter.

  45. Karen Thurn says:

    I already get Bear Creek’s newsletter but I now signed up to follow them on Facebook. I have a one month old grandson and a granddaughter due mid January so the baby book would be sew good for me.

  46. I already get their newsletter. I really want that book!!

  47. QuiltinGram says:

    I already get their newsletter! Love the baby stuff as getting ready for the next influx of Great Nieces/Nephews.

  48. I already subscribe.

  49. Oh, yeah ~ signed up and loving it! :-D Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

    my nana maree @ yahoo . com

  50. I signed up and even down loaded 2 free patterns, I still need to go back and look around a while. Thank you for doing this. GOD bless

  51. I already subscribe and love their newsletter.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  52. I am already a subscriber. I love books. They are addictive.

  53. I am already a subscriber.

  54. I am a subscriber too. Looks like a lovely book and I can spot some great gifts for future grandkids, yay!

  55. I am already a subscriber to Bear Creek Quilting Company’s newsletter!

  56. I just signed up. Love that baby book!

  57. I’m already a subscriber.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  58. I’m already a subscriber.

  59. I subscribe! Thank you!

  60. I already subscribe to their newsletter!

  61. I subscribe! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  62. Lori Morton says:

    I already subscribe to their Newsletter…and am a Totally Happy Customer of theirs as well! : D

  63. Carolyn Montgomery says:

    i follow bcq’s newsletter annd blog

  64. I subscribe! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  65. I’m already a subscriber!

  66. I already get Bear Creek Quilting Company’s newsletter. Fun, fun!

  67. I already subscribe to the newsletter.

  68. Jeri Niksich says:

    I already receive their newsletter and I’m really interested in the QAYG part, learning as many ways as I can.

  69. Amanda Best says:

    I am already subscribed to the Bear Creek Quilting Co. newsletter. Thank you.

  70. I am signed up for the newsletter from Bear Creek :)

  71. Am a subscriber already.

  72. Carla Schattle says:

    I subscribe to the blog! Thanks!

  73. diane beavers says:

    Paula, Thank you for sharing. I already subscribe to Bear Creek Quilting newsletter. Their fabric bundles are primo too!

  74. I subscribe to their blog and newsletter and just for good measure, I also liked them on FB. Thanks for the chance to win such a great book…the projects look tempting enough for me to try!


  75. Dawn Jones says:

    I subscribed to their blog and newsletter.

  76. I signed up for Bear Creek Quilting’s newsletter.

  77. already a subscriber

  78. I get their newsletter:)

  79. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! I just signed up! Those projects are adorable!

  80. I am already a subscriber to Bear Creek newsletter.

  81. Linda Cejnar says:

    I am already a subscriber to Bear Creek. ljbisme at msn dot com

  82. jenetamasson says:

    I receive the Bear Creek newsletter.

  83. I am already a subscriber. I love their fun newsletters.

  84. I am already a subscriber

  85. I signed up for Bear Creek Quilting’s newsletter

  86. Tom Cranford says:

    These are some awesome books with great ideas. I follow on Facebook, Bloglovin and Pintrest and really like the selections at Bear Creek Quilting Company.
    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the give away! :)

  87. I am already subscribed to Bear Creek’s newsletter.

  88. I’m a subscriber.

  89. I’m a subscriber!

  90. I already get Bear Creek’s newsletter!

  91. I get their newsletter.

  92. I get Bear Creek’s newsletter. Love it.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  93. I subscribe to Bear Creek’s newsletter.

  94. I already subscribe to their newsletter! These books are pretty much all on my Christmas list :)

  95. I already receive Bear Creek’s newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win!

  96. anitalogan says:

    I subscribed at Bear Creek!

  97. Lisa Clark says:

    I subscribed to the newsletter and blog.

  98. i just signed up! Thank you!

  99. I’m a newsletter subscriber!

  100. I subscribed to their newsletter. The books look great! And those baby projects are adorable.