Sassy Saturday Giveaway

Sassy Saturday

This weeks Sassy Saturday giveaway is sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop!

Fat Quarter Shop

So what is up for grabs today???

Fat Quarter Shop

 Fat Quarter Shop has a all three of their Its Sew Emma books…

Great Granny Squared

Fat Quarter Style

Quilted Living

One lucky winner will get all 3!

Also, Be sure to check out the Jolly Jabber for Fat Quarter Shop’s latest Shortcut Quilt pattern….

This super cute quilt uses just two charm packs and some yardage!

You can find the pattern HERE!

They have a whole list of bloggers who created this quilt. I love seeing all the different creations of the same pattern!

Sherri of A Quilting Life
Natalia of Piece N’ Quilt
Stephanie of Quarter Incher
John of Quilt Dad
Lydia of Telafante
Heather of Quilt Story
Leanne of She Can Quilt
Afton of Quilting Mod
Jane of Quilt Jane


How to ENTER the giveaway>>>>>>

It’s simple follow Fat Quarter Shop through one of the links here…..

You can Follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Blog-The Jolly Jabber, Twitter, or subscribe to their You Tube Channel.

Then come back and leave a comment on this post telling me how!

Fat Quarter Shop

(Giveaway ends Thursday, Apr. 2nd, midnight/EST. Open Internationally.)

Congrats to last weeks Sassy Saturday winner…
Elizabeth S.!


Keep it Sassy

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter  on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Instagram, Twitter or by email updates(form on right sidebar)!

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  1. Brenda Hulsey says:

    I receive Fat Quarter Shop’s emails and also follow on facebook.

  2. Patricia Cash says:

    I receive their emails, follow on instagram and bloglovin.

  3. Sylvia A says:

    I am a follower of FQS’s on Pinterest, You Tube, Newsletter and Jolly Jabber Blog! Thanks for this giveaway opportunity.

  4. Marie Evans says:

    I subscribe to The Fat Quarter Shop via Facebook, Instagram, their newsletter and You Tube channel. I think it is great that they share free patterns that I am inspired to make!

  5. Hi, I follow the FQS by Blog Post…Kimberely is great….

  6. I follow their blog!

  7. I follow the FQS on Pinterest and on their blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, Pinterest, Blog-The Jolly Jabber, and I am subscribed to their You Tube Channel.

  9. I follow the FQS on their blog, and am subscribed to their You Tube channel.

  10. I follow on IG.

  11. I follow FQS by email and also Facebook.

  12. Lori Morton says:

    I Looooove FQS!!!!! I get their Newsletter, follow the Blog, Jolly Jabber (thru Bloglovin)…. You Tube & on Pinterest as well! (don’t want to miss anything! lol)

  13. As I love Fat Quarter’s Shop, I follow them by all possible ways! You named them, I follow to everything!

  14. goonyburd says:

    I follow the FQS all ways, I believe.

  15. dottie bishaw says:

    I follow by email & facebook.

  16. I follow you by Bloglovin’, Twitter, FB, Instagram too!!

  17. Mary Kay says:

    I follow the Jolly Jabber and The Fat Quarter shop :)

  18. I follow through Facebook, Pinterest and the Jolly Jabber. Guess I’m afraid I’ll miss something. Thanks for a great give-away.

  19. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and Pinterest. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  20. I recieve FQ emails.

  21. I receive FQS & blog via email.

  22. Dana Cargill says:

    I follow via FB and receive Fat Quarter Shop e-mails.

  23. I watched the YouTube video just yesterday on how to create this fast fun quilt. I can’t wait to give it a try. I follow the FQS on pinterest, Jolly Jabber blog and Instagram. Would love to win the three quilt books.
    tracinecharest at Gmail dot com

  24. Marjorie Nath says:

    I follow the Jolly Jabber, the Fat Quarter Shop and on You Tube

  25. I follow their blog and get the newsletter! thanks!

  26. I follow TFQS on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and subscribe to Jolly Jabber & TFQS newsletter. I have left 2 comments on The Jolly Jabber in the last week regarding their cute modern quilt patterns which are modern and easy to make. Also, TFQS has great customer service!!! It is where I shop for quality quilting fabric and notions!!

  27. I follow via email

  28. I follow their blog on bloglovin. Love that shop-always happy with things I have ordered.

  29. I follow on bloglovin . FB Jolly Jabber Blog and newsletter

  30. Lynne Tilley says:

    Great giveaway!! I follow on Facebook, and also on Feedly. :) :)

  31. I’m a follower of FQS’s Pinterest and Newsletter

  32. Kathy Manning says:

    I follow on Facebook and also get their emails.

  33. I follow the FQS on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and their blog, and I subscribe to their You Tube Channel.

  34. Kath Shively says:

    Let’s see, I follow FQS on Pinterest, and the Jolly Jabber blog plus subscribe to their YouTube channel. I don’t do Twitter or IG else I’d follow through there as well.

  35. I am a follower of the blog from FQS, loving their newsletters..

  36. I follow by Pinterest. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. Sarah J. says:

    I follow them on Pinterest and bloglovin!

  38. Sandy A in St. Louis says:

    I follow Fat Quarter Shop through blog lovin’. on Facebook and I get their newsletter. They are an awesome shop!

  39. I follow FQS’s blog.

  40. I get their newsletter and follow their blog with this email address.

  41. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, Pinterest, and The Jolly Jabber blog.

  42. cdahlgren2013 says:

    I follow Fat Quarter shop by email. cdahlren at live dot com

  43. I follow Fat Quarter on Facebook.

  44. I foLlow FQS on facebook

  45. Linda Brown says:

    I follow on facebook

  46. I follow fat quarter shop via Facebook and email

  47. I follow them on FB and Bloglovin

  48. I follow the Jolly Jabber by email.

  49. I am a faithful follower of FQS on all the above mentioned!

  50. allison C says:

    Follow FQS on all social media

  51. I follow FQS on facebook, by email, and youtube. And spend way too much money there!

  52. Lisa Marie says:

    I follow the FQS blog and youtube channel.

  53. I subscribe to their YouTube channel and also receive the newsletter.

  54. I follow FQS on Facebook and by email and I follow the Jolly Jabber via Bloglovin.

  55. I follow FQS on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, an Jolly Jabber. I also receive their newsletters.

  56. beeshebags says:

    I follow the FQS everywhere but on Instagram! Thanks for the chance to win some great books. Hugs Naomi

  57. I get FQS newsletters! Awesome books- hope I win!

  58. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Blog-The Jolly Jabber, Twitter, and I subscribed to their You Tube Channel.
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  59. Liz Horgan says:

    I follow Fat Quarter Shop by email, instagram and You tube!

  60. Great giveaway!!! I love the FQS. I subscribe to the Jolly Jabber, youtube channel, and follow on Twitter. Thanks for the chance to win.

  61. Kathleen Dalecio says:

    I subscribe to the Jolly Jabber blog and follow the FQ Shop on FB and on YouTube! Kimberley has such wonderful video tutorials!
    I would LUV to win the 3 quilting books! Two of them have been on my personal Wish List since they were published!

  62. I follow the FQS through the Jolly Jabber and have them on my blog list as well. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  63. Juliet h says:

    I follow via Twitter! Thanks!

  64. i follow on pinterest

  65. Great baby quilt. Might have to make this one. I follow their blog

  66. Kris Bolick says:

    I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, Instagrarm, Twitter, Pinterest. I love the new pattern,
    am planning what charms I would like to use for it.

  67. Cheryl Forward says:

    I follow, email and Facebook , thanks

  68. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, get the newsletter and follow the Jolly Jabber blog.

  69. wowilikethat1 says:

    I follow fat quarter shops newsletter. Awww the books look great. I hope I win. :) Thanks for the chance. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  70. I receive all FQS blog posts via email. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  71. I follow the You Tube channel, the blog and FB. I’ve got ’em covered!

  72. I follow FQS many ways!

  73. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on FB, get their emails and follow the blog.

  74. I get their newsletter, I follow on fb, google

  75. I follow the FQS on FB, twitter and instagram!
    I would love to win this giveaway – thanks for the chance!

  76. I’m already a follower of the FQS blog & on Facebook. Thanks.

  77. farmquilter says:

    I follow FWS via their newsletter, blog, facebook, twitter and youtube! Basically a stalker!

  78. Oh, I love good quilting books and these look wonderful.

    I follow FQS everyway possible (that I know of) (email, blog, facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, youtube.


    PS – I hope it is ok as I added your giveaway to a page where I share insights on giveaways & contests:

  79. I love Fat Quarter Shop and now I’m following them on Pinterest! Thanks so much. The books look fabulous!

  80. I am a customer and follower of the FQS via bloglovin and facebook – the do a terrific job on their BOM’s

  81. mynanamaree says:

    Great giveaway ~ thanks for the chance to win! Love Fat Quarter Shop and get their e-mails and I’m also one of their Facebook Friends. :-D

  82. I liked the fat quarter shop on FB.

  83. I receive emails from Fat Quarter Shop, I read their blog and I’m friends with them on Facebook!

  84. If there is a way to follow Fat Quarter Shop I am doing it. FB, YouTube, Jolly Jabber, email, etc.

  85. Love Fat Quarter Shop! I am a follower on Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube!

  86. I am a follower of Fat Quarter Shop on You Tube, Newsletter, via email, Facebook and also the Jolly Jabber Blog!

  87. I love the FQS. I follow them on facebook, pinterest, and bloglovin.

  88. Jessica P. says:

    I follow the FQS in many ways. FB is one of them. Thanks for the chance. I don’t own any quilting books. I would love to try these out.

  89. I follow FQS pretty much everywhere… FB, IG, Bloglovin, newsletter…!

  90. I follow the FAT QUARTER SHOP ON Instatgram

  91. I follow them on Everything!

  92. Linda Edwards says:

    I’ve been a long-time follower of the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and through e-mail. I enjoy the short-cut video tutorials.

  93. I follow FQS through youtube and newsletter. I love their tutorials and quilt alongs

  94. I follow the JJ on Bloglovin and I get the FQ news letter.

  95. Beth Strand says:

    I follow FQS via email. Thanks for the chance!

  96. I follow For on pinterest, facebook and get their emails. Love their customer service.

  97. I follow The Jolly Jabber blog and receive the Fat Quarter Shop newsletters.
    That charm quilt looks great, I’m off to get the pattern!

  98. Elizabeth S says:

    I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook, their blog and You tube channel

  99. hi, I follow fatquarter shop on pinterest, email, facebook, and you tube

  100. I follow fatquarter shop on facebook, pinterest, emails, they are great.

  101. Brenda Iwami says:

    I follow the FatQuarter Shop on FB.

  102. I follow Fat Quarter shop by Pinterest, Instagram, Jolly Jabber(email) — would love to have these books! Thanks for the chance.

  103. i follow the FQS’s blog via email.

  104. carolyn montgomery says:

    i follow fqs on facebook and by e-mail

  105. Nicole Sender says:

    Follow Fat Quarter on Facebook!

  106. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and Pinterest already. x

  107. Susan Stanton says:

    I love the Fat Quarter Shop! I get their emails and follow them on Facebook!

  108. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop on FB and through emails.

  109. I receive their emails, I follow them on Facebook and their you tube. Thank you for the giveaway.

  110. I follow FQS via Facebook & Pinterest. I also subscribe to their YouTube channel.

  111. Yes, I follow via Feedly, email, pinterest, and instagram!

  112. Diane beavers says:

    Paula I’m a subscriber of Fat Quarte rShops You tube channel and Jolly Jabber blog. I love and have made two quilts already from The Fat Quarter Style book.

  113. I’m following FQS on facebook & by email – thanks for the chance to win :)

  114. I love FQS so I follow on FB, E-mail and BL. All 3 books look wonderful. Lori has great ideas.

  115. DreiPunkteWerk says:

    Threeeeee Books?! Great!
    I’ m following per bloglovin, Pinterest, you Tube :-)
    The charm box pattern is very tricky!
    Best regards,

  116. I follow on pinterest and instagram :)

  117. I follow them on Pinterest!

  118. I follow on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Blog-The Jolly Jabber, and subscribe You Tube Channel.

  119. I follow the Blog via email. Thanks.

  120. Michelle Olsen says:

    I follow FQS thru Youtube!

  121. I would love to win this – I follow you on FB, Instagram and Twitter!

  122. Claire Ross says:

    I follow fat quarter shop on twitter.

  123. Lori Smanski says:

    I follow them on FB

  124. karenbolan says:

    I follow their blog.

  125. I follow fat quarter shop through email!!

  126. Linda Webster says:

    I follow the Jolly Jabber on Facebook

  127. I follow FQS via Facebook and email.

  128. I follow them by, newsletter, blog, you tube, instagram, FB.

  129. Kelly Wilson says:

    I follow their blog via email subscription, youtube and Pinterest. Thanks! notwendy gmail

  130. Sherril McGann says:

    Great giveaway. I follow by email.

  131. Fun pattern! I follow on Bloglovin and I subscribe by email. There posts are packed with good stuff!

  132. jmniffer says:

    Love those books! I follow the Jolly Jabber blog.

  133. Elizabeth Little says:

    OMG, what a great give away! I follow on Instagram and Facebook :)

  134. auschick in va says:

    Love FQS! Follow them on Facebook, twitter, instagram…

  135. Judy Allen says:

    I get FQS emails.

  136. lauren mead says:

    I am an instagram follower!!