Local Quilt Shop Day!

Tomorrow is Local Quilt Shop Day! I don’t know about you, but I am excited:) Me and a few of my guild girls are doing our own little shop hop and show our local quilt shops some love<3!  We hope to hit at least these three, but one is actually 2hrs away. I have just been waiting for a reason to venture out and visit some new locations.

Kelly Ann’s Quilting

JoJo’s Quilt Shop

Quilter’s Corner

Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day

Are you supporting your local shop? Go on out and get at least a fat quarter:) I am on a fabric diet right now, but I have already twisted my own arm:) and know I am going to find some beautiful goodies. Have fun!

If you can’t get out and about…Craftsy is having a great sale! Check it out.

You can find and follow TheSassyQuilter here on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, or by email(form on right sidebar)!

Keep it Sassy



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  1. I’m doing the same thing! Tomorrow morning I’m going to a quilt shop I haven’t been to. :)

  2. I just finished washing all the fabric that I got last weekend while I was out actively supporting two of my local shops :-) I was going to head out to a guild meeting tomorrow at another one, but with the weather looking iffy, I think I’ll stay home and try to make some of that new fabric into some blocks :-)

  3. Btw, have fun!

  4. Susan in OK says:

    We need to support our LQS or they will not be there when we need them. They are a wonderful life line for us. We cannot tell true colors online. These ladies (and gentlemen) in the LQS know their craft and provide valuable information and support to us. Support them not only this Saturday, but also often.

  5. A shop hop is a great idea! I might have to organize one for our little group! have fun!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  6. You are so lucky to have all these great shops near you! On the other hand, I’m lucky I can’t shop hop otherwise I’d be pennyless!

  7. I wish I had a local quilt shop. I wish I had and even not so local quilt shop. The best I have is a Hancock and Joann, both 45 minutes away. Needless to say, I do a lot of ordering online.

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